You have probably stepped into this New Year like I have. You’ve cast your vision, you’ve mapped your plan and are now ready to step full in and make this one of your best years yet.
At midlife, the sense of time and urgency is real and we’re more willing than ever to cut the fluff, and what doesn’t serve or support our work, so we can make our greatest contributions in our autumn years. And certainly this will resonate with each of us more, if we're the other side of 60 than 40.
Now, in this time of our lives, we're more certain than ever that we're meant to make a difference and lead the way with our gifs, strengths, knowledge, wisdom, experience and expertise. It’s the beauty and the alchemy of our years, it’s a calling on our hearts and an opportunity to build and leave a legacy.
We're each building a tribe of like-minded, like-hearted followers and pouring ourselves into serving them with our highest and best work, products, and services, so that they can move forward to realize their goals, vision, plans and dreams. We are tribe builders.
Tribe Builders are…
Trust Builders
Authority Builders
Community Builders
Content Builders
Legacy Builders
…and we're doing all of this as we're building our businesses to ensure that we provide those is our tribe with all they need.
It’s work we each love, so we do it with our whole heart.
But, here’s what I know…that for every brave-hearted woman who is out there building and leading her tribe, doing her Signature Work, and making a difference in their lives, there has to be a tribe that she belongs to, a safe space and gathering place, where she knows other women like her, have her back.
And right there is where my heart lights up. I know the lonely ride of being leader. I know what it’s like to be the one blazing the trail and lighting the way, and I know what it’s like to look for a tribe for me to belong to, to share my heart and authentic journey and get fortified, inspired and re-energized for my work, because I’ve been in the presence of other women like me.
That’s my work right there—to facilitate a gathering space, studio for creating, lounge for real talk and deep conversation, a fun and relaxed place to let your hair down and recharge. If I need that, then I imagine that you do, too. A virtual, global, midlife place for connection, collaboration and support.
I’ve got more to share on my vision for building all of this in 2023 and beyond, which I’ll tell you about later. For today, my goal is to leave with the reminder that if you’re building a tribe for others to belong to and grow, you need that for yourself. I’m hoping we can build that together. A community for midlife women (and older—psst, that’s me) as a place for you to thrive, discovery, align, have the support you need as you step into greater mastery, be encouraged as you build community, knowing all of it is part of the rich tapestry and legacy, that is your contribution in your corner of the world.
Guess that’s it for In the meantime, come join the conversation in the FB group and certainly reach out if you’d like a conversation on stepping into your most aligned work and vibe, that will attract, impact and grow your tribe.